วันจันทร์ที่ 3 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2553

NAANTALI Nadendal Finland

Naantali is only 14 kilometers from Turku is the small, picturesque town of Naantali, Finland that often mentioned as summer city.it origin, and the name, Naantali, are closely associated with the monastery, which was founded Birgitte 1443.Shortly connected to the founding of the Convent of the community of monks and nuns formed a settlement in the area. For several years the inhabitants of this small city was a relatively economical life, as if the monastery is closed, then the income that wasderived from it.Naantalis second season came in the 18th year Century, when a professor of the healing power of the local spring water of the water.The Viluluoto Spring was discovered thought to have supernatural powers and soon grew into a famous spa town of Naantali. The picturesque building in the City's historic center were taken lovingly restored.Most of them from the 18 and 19 centuries.In these days many of the buildings were farm houses as their owners earned theirLiving from the land.There is a fascinating wealth of art and crafts for sale in the shops, which are found town.It in the atmospheric streets of the old is understandable why Naantali Finland Summer City is as famous and as a Treasury of medieval history.Global Treasures - History's Most Protected Monuments - Heritage is our legacy from the past, what we live today, and what we are to the future generations.our cultural and natural heritage, bothirreplaceable ...


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Unknown กล่าวว่า...

Thank you for Naantali information!
I am translating a book and I nedeed to make a footnote about this little town. You helped me very much!