วันพุธที่ 17 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553

Sugars Can Actually be Good for Your Health

9. February 2009 Berkeley Lab lecture: What are the peanut M & Ms ®, all cells are coated with sugar, but the functions of these sugar coatings were a mystery until recently. This presentation is fascinating discoveries in relation to the final climax, why cells are coated with sugar, as well as new tools for early detection of cancer, that the benefits of cell frosting. Professor Bertozzis laboratory focuses on the changes in the profile of cell surface glycosylation with cancer, inflammation and bacterial relatedInfection and use this information for the development of diagnostic and therapeutic approaches. In addition, her group develops nanoscience-based technologies for probing of cell functions and for medical diagnostics. Join Dr. Bertozzi to learn how your body sugar can actually be implemented


See Also : Men Grooming Douglaskimos’s Weblog
