There are many wild claims about wheatgrass: a 30ml shot of wheatgrass contains so many nutrients than 1kg of green vegetables, it contains vitamins and minerals not found in other vegetables, reduces the risk of cancer and other life-threatening diseases ...
The question is what is fact and what is fiction? And what exactly is wheat grass?
Wheat grass is the young grass stage of wheat. It looks like grass, smells like grass and is composed of 70% chlorophyll madethe building blocks of all plant life. A variety of live enzymes, vitamins, minerals and amino acids contained in their green stems. It includes 12 different amino acids and a good level of vitamin A (good for vision), B (in conjunction with improved function of the immune system, healthier skin and a reduced risk of anemia and pancreatic cancer) and E (protects the cell membranes and helps to keep heart and lungs healthy).
Most people report a marked improvement in their health afterconsuming wheat grass, although for consumers who have a particularly poor diet, it can be a little nausea the first time it is to be taken. But when this approved, you should be bursting with energy and the nausea should not be repeated the next time is consumed wheat grass.
A single shot (30ml) per day is usually enough to improve health and well being in general (in combination with a reasonably healthy diet). But for those looking for a dramatic improvement orAthletes, the increased demands on her body is set 60ml per day is recommended.
The best way is to use your wheatgrass as fresh juices. This is much cheaper than taking a wheat grass powder and wheat grass as a supplement is live and loses nutrients when treated or pasteurized. To juice at home, a manual wheatgrass juicer, or a single gear juicer is recommended.
A manual wheat grass juicer will complete the task, but does require a little extra elbow grease, as it can be a littlestiff and extracting your juice can be hard work. The benefit of this is the price, just bought for as little as $ 30 will be. The more expensive option is a single gear juicer (from around $ 120), but these require no effort and can juice almost anything. In fact, these elegant devices usually many other kitchen functions such as chopping, chopping and pureeing, it can be seen as an investment for your kitchen and a time-saving device.
So what is the truth about wheatgrass?Well, it is no wonder drug or a one-stop update to cure all your health problems, but it certainly does have many advantages, combined with a healthy and active lifestyle, you should burst with energy.
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As the 'Go Green' movement gains momentum and you become more environmentally conscious, it's important to remember your internal environment too. Taking steps to rid your body of harmful toxins is crucial to keeping your body energized and rejuvenated. That's why Best Organic Wheatgrass recommends adding nutrient-rich wheatgrass to your diet. It helps detoxify and strengthen your body by Cleansing your Blood, Alkalizing your Body and it Nourishes!!!
Our Wheatgrass is the only kind grown AEROPONICALLY. This allows us to make our wheatgrass powder using the LEAVES AND ROOTS, resulting in nutritionally superior wheatgrass juice. Maximum nutrition is ensured because the cold drying process retains all enzymes and nutrients. 1 / 4 tray of wheatgrass and roots equals 1 packet of wheatgrass powder.
Try a free sample, simply go to and fill out the form on the home page. Let me know what you think!
To read the comments where our wheatgrass was evaluated and view the video:
go to this blog:
“Go Green” Your body will thank you for it, in the way you look and feel!