Houston, Texas, offers much to many people. Museums, fairs, marathons, festivals - you name it, and Houston, Texas has it. You can find not only fun, but you can also use security. How? Residents are able to find affordable health insurance in Houston, Texas.
Fortunately, Texans have several options when searching for affordable health insurance in Houston, Texas. Try the following steps.
Put your health insurance with COBRA.If you have a Houston, Texas, resident who has lost his job, are (unlike the COBRA group) should be called the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1986, the first alternative that you considered. Under COBRA, Houston, Texas residents can inherited from their former employer-sponsored health insurance for up to 18 months to stay after they have lost their jobs.
Not covered under COBRA? Texas has some health insurance continuation rights for those citizens who either do notEntitled to COBRA, or who have exhausted their time covered under COBRA. The health insurance continuation rights allow you to remain covered under the same health insurance for another six months.
Exhausted their COBRA benefits and state continuation rights? Perhaps it is time to look at the Texas Health Insurance Risk Pool. If you reached your limit of COBRA health insurance benefits as well as your state continuation rights, you can Entitled to the Texas Health Insurance Risk Pool. Of course, you must have received some form of health insurance for the past 18 months, and no break in coverage may be longer than the period of 63 days.
Feeling financially stressed, for each of the above options? Look at the TexCare partnership that provides affordable health insurance Texans on the basis of family size and income.
To have further information about these opportunities affordable> Health insurance in Houston, Texas, please contact the Texas Department of Insurance. You may even find that you mean for other, more affordable health insurance come into question, too.
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