As you graduate college and head into the big, big, scary world, there are probably a lot of things on his mind. First and foremost is to do a good job, then live in search of a place, and then perhaps find out, how to repay their student loans. One thing that might not go your head, which is medical insurance. All your life, you probably have been dependent on your parents' coverage, but the ship is to sail around, if it has not happened yet.
We know what you arethinking, "Why do I need medical insurance?" I'm young, I'm healthy, and doctor visits are few and far between. So why pay for something I never use? "Hey, we understand where you are coming from. But accidents happen and diseases, without warning, even for the strapping young adults, as they are. Sure, health insurance is expensive, but not, it will cost you dearly.
First things to know
Let's just get one, health care in theUnited States is a nightmare, but few will argue, dass There are thousands of choices when it comes to pay for the use of medical care and ensure that some of them good, some of them not so much. When it comes to insurance, that's right for you, confusion abound. So let's learn a little more about your options.
There are two main categories of insurance: managed care and indemnity plans. Although you'll pay more compensation coverage, it offers much moreFlexibility is a managed care plan. By compensation coverage, you will have your choice of doctor, laboratory, hospital or specialist clinic. If you seek medical help, you have to pay a bill out of pocket deductible mentioned before, the coverage kick in. Deductibles ranging from a few hundred dollars to $ 1,000 or more, depending on your politics. In addition, compensation plans require co-payments for medical care, which means you will be responsible for a percentage of the treatmentCosts along with your deductible. In general, compensation plans pay only for accidents or illness, they usually do not cover preventive treatment.
Managed care is the exact opposite of compensation coverage. Deductibles are usually smaller, co-payments are lower, and prevention is covered in the rule. Your options are limited. By selecting a managed care plan you can only between health care providers that your Health Maintenance Organization award.If you go anywhere else, you pay, the full amount. Since this day is a very rough deal, many managed care plans with hybrid options, which include many of the desirable properties of an indemnity plan.
Which way to go
If you find a job that offers health insurance, and you're single, take it. It may not be perfect, but it beats anything you can find on your own. When you are through your employer, you will probably be faced with many options. Take a good,long look at them and ask for help from a human resources representative, if you must, but make sure that the plan is for you. Chances are, if you are young and healthy, you want a plan with a low premium and higher deductible. Look for a plan, your out-of-pocket costs minimized. When it came to the choice of and compensation plan or a managed care plan, you may or may not have a choice, depending on your employer. Both have advantages and disadvantages are sosure to crunch the numbers before the adoption of one or the other.
Get a business
Although health insurance is a costly part of our lives, there are ways to save. If you own, shop around before committing to a plan. If you are under 50 and in good health, insurance companies want your business, and have to cut prices. You also benefit from breaks from Uncle Sam. Self-employed can write up to 45 percent of its insurance --Premiums. Some employers offer flexible spending accounts, where one to premiums and costs not covered by insurance want to pay with cash, not taxable to the.
If you are married and your spouse can also receive coverage from their employer, weigh your options carefully. It could benefit financially and coverage-wise, when the pros and cons of separate coverage action, double coverage, or one of you opting out of planning your work and enroll in other friends.
FinallyIf you have been healthy and believe you can get with minimal health insurance, look into purchasing "catastrophic coverage". This indemnity policy offers extremely low premiums, but deductibles can be very high up to $ 2,500. The cover is to "catastrophic" events that you need to learn everything about limited.
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