The cost of health insurance continues to climb unabated. As the number of uninsured in America swells to 45 million people, many of them look to our political leaders for answers and relief.
Presidential campaign rhetoric about how to control skyrocketing health care costs has focused on short-term solutions to the sticker price. But the administration should be concerned with long-term solutions to the spiral of crisis.
In 2002, the United States $ 1.6 trillion, or werenearly 15 percent of GDP, the expenditure for the healthcare industry. Medicare, the government single payer model for seniors, spent $ 267
Analysts expect national health spending to 3.1 trillion dollars by 2012 to - almost double the amount spent in 2002.
The dramatic figures have a tendency, which obviously exaggerated - may, for many, the cost of insurance as much if not more,
than the rent or mortgage. Until the administration puts its focus on the rising cost of health care, these costs will escalate further beyond the level of revenue. Whether you subscribe to a higher monthly premium of an HMO or a payroll tax of Uncle Sam has to pay someone to collect pay
the bill. Shifting the burden from our premium invoice to our tax bill is not an acceptable solution.
There are fundamental initiatives that policy makers need in an effort to streamline the delivery system to address and minimize
the rising cost of> Health care.
Firstly, to promote investment in technological improvements at all levels of care, including insurance companies, hospitals and doctors. For a $ 1.6 trillion in the 21 Century, the technology used is comparable
Driving a Model T on a highway in today's cars.
Consider the banking industry. A simple piece of plastic at all banks, you can buy everything from antiques on eBay at the local food milk,store. In the health sector is the piece of plastic used as an ID card as something else
be informed if the doctor send the bill. Doctors and their staff spend an inordinate amount of time so as to complete
the proper papers paid to be.
Inefficiencies are costly. Administrative expenses are the fastest growing part of the expenditure for health care. In 2002, public and private insurance were $ 105 billion on administrative costs, nearly 13Percent more than in 2001. Support for the development of common standards and improvement of technology is necessary to eliminate the costly inefficiencies, which
that contribute to rising health care costs.
Continue to support the release of information, cost and quality. The most of us know where we can find the best deal for a car, mortgage or even shoes. But how many people can afford, something never knowing, buy the price?
Do you know the average cost of visiting a physician office? We accustomed to the minimal office co-payment as
the benchmark for the cost of care. But who would seriously consider a $ 10 co-payment for a sufficient amount
Medical treatment?
As consumers, we are asked to bear a larger share of the costs in health care. In return, should we call for more information
on price and quality. The disclosure of this information has the potential to produce a profound effect on consumer behavior and the cost and quality have> Health care. Such transparency should injustices and inadequacies of the reform of the cost of
Health care.
There is no single panacea for solving the problems of American health care system. Our system is a huge and
complex web of dependencies. Expanded public funding and support provides only temporary relief, if the
Drivers of spending are solved for health care. Only the problem by throwing moreMoney by public or private, in violation of the elephant in the living room serves little to alleviate the heavy financial burden on the health care system has become.
We must accept the fact that health care is expensive in the United States and information on long-term solutions that will actually work to control costs. We have the ability, the cost of health care in this country to control what we lack is the commitment and
Perseverance to get it done.
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